VPI Distribution of Van den Hul Cartridges
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (Seriously why does every news post say that? It is posted on the internet so clearly it is meant to be shared......

A Boy and His Frog... Van den Hul Frog!
Going through one of the rooms and clearing through old trinkets and toys I came across this little guy. This was one of 2 frogs that I...

VPI House Event - IsoAcoustics, Merrill Audio, Focal
Time for another event at the VPI House! Come enjoy talking to the designers, seeing Demos, doing Direct Comparisons. Giveaways, Show...

HW Review #5 -Gary Koh’s No-Loading Genesis Phono Section
There are times in this hobby when we run into a match made in heaven. It does not happen often, and sometimes it is only because it is...

Rocky Mountain Audio Vacation Impressions - RMAF 2019
So many posts to get caught up on but first I wanted to start with quick impressions on Rocky Mountain Audiofest. Why? Since I’ve been...

RMAF 2019 - PS Audio Press Release
At Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2019, PS Audio will present our latest state-of-the-art components in the Homestead 2 room at the new...

RMAF 2019 - Rooms to see VPI
Make sure you don't miss a room at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest! Homestead 1 - HW-40 with Nordost, VTL, and YG Acoustics Homestead 2 - HW-40...

RMAF 2019 - MC Audiotech and VPI
I'm going to level with all of you, I just found out about this and I'm about to wrap up packing before going to Denver. I don't know...

RMAF 2019 - Listen Up with VPI, Audio Technica, Classe Sigma, Moon, Audioquest and more!
Make sure to swing by Room 6105 at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest to hear the HW-40 Anniversary Turntable with our dealer/partner Listen-Up....

RMAF 2019 - RaidhoTD2.2. with VPI, Van den Hul and More!
VPI has been excited to demonstrate the Raidho TD4.2 in the VPI House but even more excited to be part of this exciting debut of their...