VPI Dealer Training 2017
We are very proud to have had a fantastic/successful 2017 Dealer Training Certification. Education has been an important part of the...
Audio Advisors joins the Titan Club!
We are very excited and proud to have Audio Advisors join the "Titan Club" at VPI Industries. The VPI Titan is our latest statement...
VPI's Mom - Happy Mother's Day
On this Mother’s Day weekend, anyone out there spinning a VPI please take a moment to remember a very important person. Sheila Weisfeld...
Next Stop Portland! Fred's Sound of Music May 7th
This weekend I'm going to be traveling to Seattle to introduce our two new dealers, Kosmic High Performance Audio, and Gig Harbor Audio....
VPI Event with Kosmic May 6th
The VPI Family welcomes Kosmic High Performance Audio and Video to represent the VPI production and Reference line. VPI has been a void...
VPI Visit to Gigharbor Audio May 5th
VPI Industries is very excited to be part of TWO NEW VPI Dealer events in Seattle Washington! Washington State has become a blind spot...
Stereo Exchange Re-Opening
There were rumors about the standing of New York store Stereo Exchange with their recent move. Last night's reopening put all minds at...
Simaudio's MOON Factory Tour
Last month while VPI was at the Montreal Audiofest show we extended our visit longer for a factory tour with our friends at Simaudio's...
Holm Audio Raffling a VPI Nomad at Axpona!
With the great response of the Cliffwood and it's pending production Holm Audio wants to share more with the music community. Holm Audio...
VPI Turntables at Axpona
Looking for a VPI turntable at Axpona? check out our own directory on where to find what you are looking for! Also make sure to take a...