No matter any situation and what may happen I feel there is never a point to dredge up the negative. But people all need to be talked to with respect. Whether it is me or any of my workers none of us are perfect. We all make mistakes, but no one wants or is motivated by being insulted. All of that being said, everyone who ever has an issue or problem with their VPI table/product their concerns and problems are VALID and deserve to be heard.
I just took down a post because it went past constructive education learning and turned into a sling fest. Luckily we are all adults and frankly since having my 3rd child in September the idea of holding onto any negative thoughts is a waste of time. The important thing about that post is in the end the custom part was fabricated in our factory, the correct parts needed were determined, and all were shipped (minor delay because there was confusion on the address).
Lets keep it all positive or at least where no one is on the attack or defensive. Thanks to everyone for being part of the VPI family!
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