Since this is the "Weisfeld Corner" here is an update what has been going on. I've learned and continue to learn how drastically different have 3 children can be. Amazing how being slightly outnumbered sets off the balance. That being said, the experience has been the greatest in the world. I'm listening to more music than ever with Shyla and she is emerging into really enjoying this industry and Karate, so she has my two favorite things going so far. I'm constantly trying to give her an "out" to make sure these are activities she actually enjoys and not her trying to make me happy.
With all of that, it has been rough firing on all cylinders but we have so many exciting projects we have been working on and getting ready for upcoming shows. Speaking of which we were all over the place at Florida and had I believe 10 different rooms featuring our products. That was an amazing experience especially since Shyla was with me and took her own "Show Report". Actually I'll post some pictures onto this thread sometime tomorrow. Shyla actually semi mounted a "Shyla" cartridge. Shyla asked and I couldn't say "no" so I let her match the colors on the leads and put the screws/finger lift onto the head shell connecting the cartridge. She did it! She really did a fantastic job for a being six. Watch out Michael Tre and Fremer, Shyla is going to put you guys out of a setup job!
We will be at Southwest Audio fest with a number of fantastic partners and here are links to those individual blogs. We have one more blog post coming about Acora and VAC who are using a Titan Direct.
Also, we are having a Music Event at the VPI Dojo this weekend as well.

It was great seeing you and Shyla in Tampa, Mat! VPI tables were in just about every great sounding room that had a vinyl setup. Congrats!