You might think I'm crazy, but HW-40s have always had a very high-pitched noise I could hear coming from somewhere in the motor circuitry as long as the motor is running. It's not exceptionally loud or obnoxious but always noticeable and it's always been there across multiple units so it's not a sample defect.
Does anyone know whether the implementation of the direct drive circuitry in the Avenger Direct and/or Titan Direct also have this noise?
I would imagine they would, unless VPI changed the motor control circuitry for those models, and I don't know why they would have.
Should be nice a quite. Recent purchase or something that happened a while ago? Shoot us an email with the serial number and lets see if we can get this all diagnosed!
The HW40 motor uses PWM at 10kHz which is most likely what you are hearing. I could hear this easily at start up and my hearing is not very good.
You should not hear any noise coming from the direct drive motor, especially a whining noise.
I hear nothing like that on my Avenger Direct. Last time I checked (last year) my hearing was good up to 17KHz. How close do you need to get to the HW-40 to hear it?