Thanks very much for accepting me. This is my first post in this new forum. I was a member of the old forum. I'm very happy that it's back.
I would like to know if it's possible to purchase an armboard for a friend's TNT .
I need two armboard for 2 different tonearms .
Armboard needed for
Kuzma Stogi REF ( 9” tonearm ) pivot to spindle distance 212 mm
VPI TNT Armboard needed for
VPI JMW 12.7 tonearm .
Pivot to spindle distance 299-300 mm
I hope you can help me .
Hi guys ,
Just a gentle reminder , I just wanted to follow up the arm boards that I need . I know you guys are busy completing the orders that needs to be sent out in time for the Holiday Season
Best regard ,
@930turbo, welcome back to the new forum!
I got them! Shoot us an email and we will figure it all out. I believe it is 150 USD.
Thanks Mat and BRF ( 997C4S) . Thanks for accepting my application to this new VPI Forum . Thank you for your advise BRF regarding the different width of the various TNT armboard. I will ask my friend to measure the arm board of his pair of TNT's . I'm sure VPI is familiar w/ the Kuzma Stogi REF tonearm since they imported them during the early 90's . I was able to buy one arm board for my TNT 6 / Kuzma Stogi REF from Mat in the summer of 2013 when I visited the factory .
Congragulations Mat & Harry on CAF I'm sure it was a great sucess . Happy Thanks giving in advance and Im hoping to see you guys soon .
Welcoem back @930turbo let me see what I have in the back, but give me a bit since we are getting ready for Thanksgiving over here. If we still have them I can make something happen! 😎
Personally, I would order a blank board for the Kuzma and use the supplied Stogi template and drill my own. Measure twice and drill once. Obviously, VPI can pre-drill the other board for 12" JMW tonearm.
Also, measure the width of your friend's TNT board. TNT board came is two widths, one just under 4" and one just over 4". Make sure you get the correct one.