Audio Advisors joins the Titan Club!

We are very excited and proud to have Audio Advisors join the "Titan Club" at VPI Industries. The VPI Titan is our latest statement turntable that is both high-end, diverse, and easy to use. Featuring a double stacked noise cancelling chassis with pneumatic air suspension feet and a Magnetic-Rim Drive platter assembly, the Titan is deadly quiet and accurate.

The Audio Advisors have stepped up as a strong VPI dealership with trained and VPI certified onsite turntable technicians. They are proficient in all types of VPI tables including legacy products. The Audio Advisors team has the Titan on live demonstration in their store in West Palm Beach:
2271A Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33409561-478-3100

Make sure to swing by their store to give it a listen and make sure to ask for Rudi, the only man strong enough to lift the Titan!