Hi-Fi Sales Company Listening Event: Saturday May 19th from 12-5pm
Gary Koh started Genesis Advanced Technologies in 2002 to carry on the legacy of Genesis Technologies, founded by legendary speaker designer Arnie Nudell. Gary has carried on the same tradition of delivering bleeding edge technology in the service of the advancement of the state of the art. Gary & his Washington-Made speakers have since gone on to win numerous industry awards and recognition from the audiophile press, and more importantly, proud owners the world over.

Rogers High Fidelity of New York design & build by a simple credo: ”What you make people feel is as important as what you make”. To that point, Rogers High Fidelity makes impressions that last a lifetime by building Tube Amplifiers that are warranted for a lifetime.
VPI Industries of Cliffwood New Jersey is arguably the most succesful turntable manufacturer in the United States of the last 35 years. All Audiophiles who care about vinyl playback have heard of the HW-19, The Classic and The Prime turntables, and speak in hushed tones about The Avenger and The Titan. However, it is their newest Gimbaled and Unipivot tonearms called “The Fat Boy” that have their legions of fans excited and their competition nervous.

Professor Edgar Choueiri of Princeton University and founder of Theoretica Applied Physics is the creator of the BACCH SP Adio 3D Sound Processor. The BACCH SP is, in our experience, the most revolutionary product developed for the playback of stereo recordings in the last 30 years. Everyone who has experienced 3D Sound has walked away profoundly changed by what is possible with a pair of speakers. You will be too.
On Saturday, May 19th from 12 to 5pm, find out what happens when State of the Art manufacturers of different and seemingly disparate disciplines and technologies work together in concert to create a playback experience that is both harmonious and unlike anything you’ll experience at any other dealer showroom in the united States today. RSVP now for a wonderful afternoon of music, technology, food and refreshments.
The System:
VPI Titan Turntable and Fat Boy Gimballed and Unipivot Tonearms.
Genesis Advanced Technologies Maestro Loudspeakers (Cartridge selections by Gary Koh)
Rogers High Fidelity PA-1A Tubed Phono Stage and 34S-1 Flagship Integrated Amplifier
Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH SP Adio 3D Sound Processor/Network Streamer.
Crystal Cable Interconnects & Speaker Interfaces throughout