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Turning the Tables with Monmouth University

Monmouth University turned the tables this past weekend with participating students at a recent High-End Audio Trade Show in Maryland. Freshman students Erica Martin and Elizabeth Markov attended and participated in the 2023 Capital Audiofest Trade Show. The internship opportunity was part of their IT-150 - Technology and Business Class.  During the experience both students took their skills from class and applied them to real life situations.  The IT-150 teaches how to use and apply skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Web Design, and more.  In addition they learn and connect these technological tools with real life concepts such as Bill of Materials (BOM), distribution, customer service, and more.

Erica dove into a sales and marketing role where she applied her understanding of Excel and the BOM. This resulted in Erica selling over $20,000 in products.

Elizabeth focused on a media and marketing role through photography and networking. She has been invited to work at other trade shows by multiple companies in the High-end Audio world.

Both students have an open invite to all future Hi-Fi trade shows and events!

Great work and congratulations to Erica and Elizabeth!


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